Next date: Tuesday 15 Oct – 19 Nov. OPEN for booking NOW!
Glaze Club is a 6-week program that explores all aspects of glazing. Students will be introduced to some glaze theory and chemistry and then have the opportunity to customise a glaze to suit their personal tastes as the term progresses. As a part of this journey, students will learn structured methods for creating an accurate reproducible palette of colours for use in ceramic glazes. Using Slow Clay’s standard clays and firing cycles, Amelia Black will be your guide as she unpacks the mystery of glaze and colour development in easy to understand terms.
When: Tuesday evenings, 15 October – 19 November, 6.00-8.30pm
Price: $585 full price/$555 concession/current SCC students
Venue: Slow Clay Centre, 13 Keele St, Collingwood, Victoria
Budding potters usually buy pre-mixed glazes from a glaze supplier however it is a bit like buying a packet cake mix from a supermarket – everyone’s cake will taste the same! This class will provide the fundamentals of glaze testing and development giving you the practical and theoretical experience to create personalised glazes. Students will follow a step by step process to learn how to adjust a glaze recipe to get their desired finish and colour result, including how to create your own triaxial test. The bonus is you will save money in the future by learning how to mix your own glazes!
Pre-requisites: This class is suitable for intermediate-level clay workers looking to expand their knowledge and skills in ceramic glaze testing. Prior experience in mixing glazes is not required although an understanding of some specialist ceramic terms such as oxidation/reduction/earthenware/stoneware/pinholing/crawling/crazing, etc will be helpful to you. All materials and tools will be provided.
Outcomes: By the end of this course students will have been introduced to the basic mechanics of glaze chemistry, learned how to mix glazes from scratch, how to test for different glaze finishes and colour results as well as hands on experience with testing processes like line blends and triaxials, giving them a firm foundation from which to continue their glaze adventures. At the end of the course, students will have full access to the other participant’s results which will build a small library of test results and serve as a valuable reference for future glazing projects.
You will leave with a deeper understanding of how to work with glaze materials and colours in ceramics, the volumetric blending method, and the confidence to keep exploring and customising your own glaze colours in the future.
Terms & Conditions: Please familiarise yourself with our T&Cs. Your deposit is a commitment to attend and is therefore non-refundable, however, if we are able to find a replacement for you we will give you a credit for any balance of payment that can be used for any of our courses in the future, valid two years.
Slow Clay Centre is a specialist ceramic education centre based in Naarm (Melbourne) established in 2012 by ceramic artist Jane Sawyer. Please join our monthly e-newsletter to keep up with all new courses, workshops and events!
CoVid19: Our studio follows all Covid Safe recommendations including air purifiers, extraction fans and cleaning after each class. If we have to re-schedule for any reason we will offer a choice of either a refund or credit note.